ROLL/ROLE WITH IT - Commissioned Embroidered Hat Design Consultation


    Do you wish a design was more "you"?

    Order a $5 consultation for commissioning one (1) new hat design!


    Please refer to the provided product images, then use the dropdown menus to choose the following:

    • Product Type
    • Role
    • Design Colors*
      *(a minimum of three (3) and maximum of six (6) thread colors per design)


    Once ordered, you will be contacted by email to discuss the design you wish to have created. A price for the commissioned design will be agreed upon before design work will commence on the processing of the product. This price will vary depending on complexity, final ownership of the design, and the number of product types if applied to more than just a hat. After your design is finalized, the process is the same as a personalized product order.


    Please keep in mind there are restrictions to the embroidery process that may not allow some concepts to be possible for a hat. As other vendors become available or current vendors change their processes, these restrictions may change.


    The price of commission may be subject to change if you request significant changes after design work has started. I reserve the right to refuse a commission request if the concept is deemed offensive or too impractical for the medium.


    Want to buy in bulk? Let me know!


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